In an effort to counter the virtual slaughter of baby seals in World of Warcraft, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is holding an event on Saturday that will pit their supporters against "four Horde seal killers." A call to arms was placed on PETA's official blog, asking people to take part in a fight against four Horde miscreants that apparently, kill seals for their luxurious fur.
"Thrall refused to ban the slaughter of seals, despite multiple requests from the Alliance to do so, because Orgrimmar stands to make a large profit from the fur," reads the posting. "Activists from across the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor are banding together to put a stop to the atrocious seal slaughter. Anyone who slaughters baby seals for their fur must surely be in service to the evil Lich King."
Here's what you need to know in order to battle:
You must be in the WhisperWind realm in order to fight. Visit if you need information about how to switch into this realm.
Once in the WhisperWind realm, go to Northrend, where you will find a zone called Howling Fjord, where the baby seals live on glaciers and boats float in the fjords. This will be the battleground to stop the slaughter. (Note: You must be at least a Level 70 player in order to enter Howling Fjord.)
The battle will take place on Saturday, April 11, at 1 p.m. EST.
So...if you're hot for some animal activism on a snowy plain, just head on down to Howling Fjord (WhisperWind realm) on Saturday April 11, at 1 P.M. (Eastern). Look for the baby seals and the (presumably) throbbing mass of angry people crowding them.