- 19/10/2013 - Star Wars: The Old Republic : Galactic Starfighter Develo...
- The Star Wars: The Old Republic site has been updated with the first part of a multi-part developer diary about the creation of the Galactic Starfighter, soon to arrive with the free expansion arriving in December.Let me welcome you to what will.....
Read More... - 09/07/2013 - Star Wars: The Old Republic : Bounty Hunter Extravaganza ...
- The Star Wars: The Old Republic site has been updated with the news that a special bounty hunting event will kick off in mid-August. The bounties scale with a player's level and take them to the far reaches of known galactic space in order to co.....
Read More... - 23/02/2013 - Star Wars: The Old Republic : Update 2.0 Arrives on PTS
- Star Wars: The Old Republic players who like to get a preview of the next update will want to head to the public test server to check out v2.0 that has just arrived. According to the official site, v2.0 will feature new abilities, a new Operatio.....
Read More... - 30/05/2012 - Star Wars: The Old Republic : Will TOR Adopt 'Mega Servers'?
- Will Star Wars: The Old Republic go the route of DC Universe Online and implement large capacity 'mega servers' to address the game's population issues? What are the implications for the game if they do? We discuss it all in this week's SWTOR co.....
Read More... - 29/05/2012 - Game Update 1.3 is almost ready for deployment
- Game Update 1.3 is almost ready for deployment onto the Public Test Server. We still need to finalize a few things, but we wanted to let you know that the Public Test Server will be coming down soon so that we can prep Game Update 1.3 for PTS de.....