The same thought
The Official Forums are ablaze with dispute over the future of the raid game in Cataclysm. In my opinion, raid less is reduce interesting, exciting and cheap knight gold of players in Knight. I think most players have the same thought, but we should know why Blizzard wants to raid less firstly. Lately there has been a lot of controversy over the way that raiding will be set up in Cataclysm. The way things look now players will have an exclusive lock out that requires them to choose between doing 25 and 10 player instances instead of doing both the way it is now. To add to this, 10 and 25 player instances will also drop virtually the same loot. This has caused a huge uproar in the community because the upper as though they are being squeezed out of the game. After all, who is going to go to the trouble of putting together the more logistically challenging and difficult 25 player raids when they can simply grab 10 people and get the same rewards with less competition?