Play the way you want to play wow gold game.
Both parties are right, and neither is going to change the other's mind, but that doesn't stop us from trying. Play the way you want to play wow gold game and with the people that help you reach your goals. If your goal is to have a level 80 of every class, then go for it. If you are languishing in the 70s and have been since February (I'm looking at you Cody), then you can do that too. Enjoy the game, and more importantly, let others enjoy it the way they want to, not the way you think everyone should play.There has been much talk lately about the upcoming armor penetration nerf, so Ghostcrawler from Blizzard decided to chime in and post some comments in the official forums.There is rarely an ideal time to announce a nerf. In the case of e.g. the Prot paladin healing nerf, we had already decided we were going to fix it and how we were going to fix it so we announced it relatively early. The armor pen decision included more debate. I am sorry if the timing was bad for any of you personally, but we certainly can't promise that future nerfs or buffs won't necessitate gear changes.I wouldn't focus too much on the issue of using too many of the same kind of gem. There are plenty of situations where that has been the case since BC (though it's not ideal in a perfect world). Rather the case was that classes that had been using Agi or Str or whatever were now switching almost exclusively to armor pen and being greatly rewarded for it.