Shamans not only have the ability to resurrect wow gold players out of combat.
In raids and instances, your role is to inflict the most damage possible that you can without drawing aggro off the tanks in the group. You have several abilities, such as Feint and Vanish, to lessen your threat so your enemies will keep their attention away from you. Let the tanks keep the enemy focused on them while you stab (or bludgeon) the enemy unnoticed.To quote William Shatner the Shaman is a "conduit for the ancient forces of nature." What does that mean, exactly? The Shaman has the ability to wield the mystic forces of nature as either casters or to use nature to increase their physical prowess to act as melee characters. As such, they are a formidable hybrid class. As a hybrid class the Shaman's role is defined by the selections the player chooses. The Shaman's three schools of talents are Elemental, Enhancement, and Restoration. Elemental and Enhancement focus on the damage that shaman can produce. It's up the player to select how they prefer to assault their enemies. What's your choice? From a long distance with a mystical elemental spell or up close and personal as an enhanced melee? Restoration speaks for itself; it's the healing abilities that shaman can possess. Speaking of healing abilities, Shamans not only have the ability to resurrect wow gold players out of combat, they can also resurrect themselves. A little ability called Reincarnation, a fantastic ability for those times when encounters just don't go the way you or your party plan. There is a cool down to Reincarnation, so don't use it as an excuse for reckless game play.