WOW GOLD players have taken a fairly comprehensive look at the DPS of various classes.
There have been some changes with the way raid buffs stack now, and many Class buffs have been changed.The only buff that you can receive that will increase your Hit Rating is from having a Draenei in your group. Having a Draenei in your group provides you with Heroic Presence which will increase your Hit Rating by 1%.There are two debuffs which may be applied on a target which will also increase your Hit Rating. A Shadow Priest will provide the raid with the Misery debuff. A Balance Druid will provide the raid with the Improved Faerie Fire debuff. Both debuffs will give you a +3% Spell Hit on the target. These two debuffs will not stack.Considering three levels above you, and bosses with a skull as their level, you will need 17% Spell Hit to become Hit Capped. At Hit Cap, your spells will have a 100% chance to hit your target, and is the number you would like to aim for. So to large scale, how much Hit Rating you need from gear depends on your spec and raid members you have them at hand.WOW GOLD players have taken a fairly comprehensive look at the DPS of various classes and specs and are concerned that Warlock DPS isn't quite where it should be. By any means it's not abysmal, but we think it should be a little higher.To give Warlocks a little extra nudge in PvP, we increased Soul Link up to 20% from 15%. You may already have this change.