Wow gold people will leave a little bit of themselves up north still.
Since the time of Warcraft 3, Gilneas closed the Greymane wall to keep the plague away from them.They got pretty edgy when the scourge got close so a Dalaran wizard named Arugal was a patriot of Gilneas who summoned creatures that would fight the scourge from them. He summoned something as dangerous the scourge which were the worgen.Goblins are from Kezan. They're broken up into trade cartels. Kezan is hit very hard by the cataclysm, they're driven out and shipwrecked off on the lost isles. They're a neutral race that are forced into the Horde.There is a state of natural upheaval coming and new stress between the Alliance and Horde. He lured the people up north, screwed with their heads, and the people were pressed to the edge of their seats to defeat The Lich King. He will get what's coming to him, but wow gold people will leave a little bit of themselves up north still. The soldiers coming home will find the world isn't what it was when they come home. There are dark days coming ahead, but that shows heroism and brotherhood and fighting the good fight. The drama is going to be ramped up.Goblins can release rockets out of the rocket belt (their racial). Goblins can be rogues.New guild advancement system (game system panel will come go over this more). Everything the player does will contribute to the advancement of their guild. 20 guild levels. You'll be able to advance it by doing dailies, raids,battlegrounds, etc.