You can buy epics with wow gold
Once you enter a battleground, you'll earn badges and honor points which you can later use to purchase epic items. The better you do in the games, the more games you win and the more honor points as well as badges you'll earn, meaning that you can buy epics with wow gold easily.
Arena is another form of PvP battles, in which a great many players go head to head in a single elimination battle. Offering gamers a competitive environment that relies on a team's playing skills rather than huge investments of time is the main goal of the arena PvP system. However, there is a level requirement for playing in arenas. 80 is the level requirement to join an Arena Team. There's a requirement because it's meant to be the ultimate PvP challenge. That is to say, you will certainly need a partner to do arena.
And also there are a few items that drop at random in the world. They are referred to as Bind on Equipment epics. A world drop means that it can drop from almost anywhere in the world. Once a creature or monster dies, drops also happen across the world at random. Given that gold can be obtained, we highly recommended that you can buy epics with world of warcraft gold, even though world drops happen and you are most likely to pick up an item that way. The likelihood of obtaining a full set of epics through world drops alone is incredibly rare.