Start shooting in a circular pattern
Take a character with a ranged attack to Purple Lotus Swamp and go to the area where Swamp Beakers respond. Start shooting in a circular pattern - the mobs will respond quickly so continue killing them in succession as fast as possible. When you tire of spamming your fire button, go collect the leather from their corpses - most good players with high damage should be able to loot. With that Fiesta Silver tip, you now have an exact idea of where to go and what to do and what you will get when you do it. You have been helped and you will know what to do next. Having help in the form of well written, specific Fiesta online gold tips can turn an okay player into a top notch player in just a few short days - there is not much you can not do with this kind of tip, and when you start hitting up epic dungeons at Level 70you are going to need them to take out the highest level bosses and make the most possible money. Which dungeons are worth your time? Better find some good Fiesta gold tips to help you figure that out.