Talent Overview
Talents, as we’ve mentioned before, aion kinah are used to improve your current skills or, in some cases bestow new ones on your warrior.
Talents use the familiar skill tree format which Blizzard uses often in their games, giving you three trees to choose from. From level 10 on you receive one talent point per level to put to use here.
At level 70 you will have gained a total of 61 points to spend in these trees, which is enough to master one and dabble in the others. Each talent tree has one ultimate talent which requires 40 points to get there and enable it, which means you will only be able to choose one talent from that level. Most talent builds pick one ultimate and spread out the remaining 20 points in other trees.
While it is useful to have a plan so that you don’t find at level 30 that you really wanted a talent that will cost too much to get to now, your talents are not locked in forever. Anytime you wish to wipe out your talents and re-spend your talent points, simply go to a warrior trainer and select the option to unlearn your talents.
At level 70 this is certainly doable, but in reality you won’t be changing your build more than once or twice. Find the talent build that fits with your play style and save the gold for epic mounts.