Lever up your character easily with enough online gold in the game
If you have enough the online gold you can lever up your character easily. So if you need to buy cheap online Rohan Gold you can come to our site, we have enough… in stock. Well, after the update, PvP has seemed to improve a great deal.
Wizards are capable of greater damage now, and with the right skill and strategy, you can take down pretty much any class in 4Story. Always keep a distance. You are a ranged player and up close you should probably go and give your local chaos monk a call so he knows he'll be getting company soon. So stay back.
Next is almost like a step-by-step process, for a basic idea of PvP with a wizard. Everyone plays differently, so you can ignore this altogether, or tweak it to fit your style. Usually the virtual online Gold is very helpful when you are in the game. Again its personal preference, but we view these as options at later levels, not just yet.
The effects of these may become quite considerable if you can max them out. We hope this guide will or have been helpfully to some, feel free to drop us a PM or whips in game if you would like to know more or have questions.
We will make it an effort to keep this guide updated even after the event is over. We still don't know everything in this game as there are plenty of levels left to go. Also if there are special requests of topics you would like to see covered in this guide post them here and ill see what we can do.