There are two major areas where players go to for the best bargains
Trading Industry: Have you ever wondered where the best location to go to for the best DFO Gold selling/buying exchange is?
It is not hard to spot these areas. These places will have a number of numerous amounts of traders advertising their merchandises and buyers trying to haggle for the best deal.
The best tip when exchanging items is to log on to the most congested world (usually the first world of every location in the world select page) as these worlds are continuously filled with vast amount of traders. For even better deals, try to go on the weekend during midday when the worlds are most congested.
There are two major areas in the Runescape world where players go to for the best bargains. These two industries of trade are located in the region of Falador north of the bank and in the park and the other area is in the Varrock Town Square and the area around Varrock’s West Bank.
Dragon equipments are made on the east side of the park. Farthest north mostly boasts rare items such as discontinued ones. The area near the farming patch in the park will usually have merchanters selling new featured items.